Author: Darkseer

Guild First BigBillyBeef is L85

Guild First BigBillyBeef is L85

Cataclysm is here and as expected, people are hard at work leveling again. Congratulations to Bigbillybeef who hit L85 last night, followed by Holytitan a few hours later!

Heroic 10 Sindy dead

Heroic 10 Sindy dead

We dont do 10 man raids that much, but a couple of weeks ago we got together and nuked 10 man Sindy Heroic for the first time. Of course, it was fairly easy with...

Undying at last!

Undying at last!

Back when Naxx was the endgame, we quite regularly attempted a Naxx Undying run. We even got right up to Sindy once before someone died (and we had no deaths on Kel). However, this...

Putricide 10 Heroic

Putricide 10 Heroic

We dont very often run 10 man progression runs – too busy with 25 man runs! However, last night we ran out of 25 man content, so a group pushed into 10 man heroic....