
Suicide Kings

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Suicide Kings

Postby Darkseer on Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:41 pm

This guild uses a frozen Suicide Kings looting system to distribute its loot.

The Suicide Kings loot system (SK for short) is essentially an ordered list where the top person on the list gets first choice over loot. Once that person gets a loot item, then he drops to the bottom of the list and everyone else shuffles up a space.

The frozen modification to the SK system means that you will only actually move up in the SK list when you are on a raid where an item drops. Rather than moving up one place in the master list, you will move up to the position of the person above you in the raid. Hence, if you are in position 50 on the master list after a raid, when you next attend a raid you will still be in position 50. However, the person in position 51 may have skipped above you if he saw some loot drop on a raid where you wernt present.

Some examples will help to illustrate this.

Original list
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G

A, C, D and F go on a raid. For the purposes of the raid, the list looks like:
1 A
3 C
4 D
6 F

If C suicides on an item, the list for the raid will become
1 A
3 D (moved up 1)
4 F (moved up 1)
6 C (moved to bottom)

and the master list will become:
1 A
2 B
3 D (moved up 1)
4 F (moved up 2)
5 E
6 C (moved to bottom)
7 G

Notice how B, E and G didnt change positions at all as they wern't present in the raid.

In reality a large SK list always looks a bit daunting as you may have 100+ people ahead of you for loot. However, consider that whenever you go on a raid, only 10 or 25 people will be on the raid with you and usually only a few of those people actually want the item that drops. Hence, you are usually only competing with a couple of people for the item and it will go to the person highest on the SK list. Also, with a large list, every suicide that moves you up the list will usually end up moving you up multiple places, depending upon who happens to be on that particular raid.

New people on a raid will get put at the bottom of the SK list.

Lightning currently invoke the SK system whenever any loot drops on a raid that more than one person wants. If only one person wants the loot, they get it no matter what and the SK system isnt used at all. If more than one person wants the loot, then they have to suicide for it and hence they get dropped to the bottom of the SK list and everyone else on the raid shuffles up.

The following link is a basic walkthrough on a SK system similar to ours. ... eKings.swf
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